
The Key Differences Between an LLC and an S Corporation

When starting a business, choosing the right legal structure is crucial for liability protection, taxes, and overall business operations. Two of the most common structures are Limited Liability Companies (LLCs) and S Corporations, each offering distinct advantages. An LLC is a flexible structure that provides personal liability protection while allowing owners to choose how they want to be taxed. An S Corporation, on the other hand, is a tax election that allows profits to pass through to shareholders, avoiding double taxation while providing some tax benefits. Deciding between an LLC and an S Corp depends on your business goals, number of owners, and future plans. Online law firms can guide you through the process of selecting the right structure and help you with the necessary filings. If you’re unsure which option is best for you, consulting an online attorney can ensure that your business is set up correctly and positioned for success.


  1. John Smith

    September 28, 2021

    Quisque nec iaculis nibh. Suspendisse tempus orci nec enim maximus quis maximus quam suscipit. Fusce dignissim turpis eu neque vehicula condimentum. Morbi pretium orci sed elementum lacinia sapien leo facilisis quam quis elementum risus nulla consequat tellus. Sedturpis mi imperdiet eu lorem pellentesque sollicitudin malesuada .

  2. Jenna Brown

    September 28, 2021

    Quisque nec iaculis nibh. Suspendisse tempus orci nec enim maximus quis maximus quam suscipit. Fusce dignissim turpis eu neque vehicula condimentum. Morbi pretium orci sed elementum lacinia sapien leo facilisis quam quis elementum risus nulla consequat tellus. Sedturpis mi imperdiet eu lorem pellentesque sollicitudin malesuada arcu

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